High-Yield Farming
Green Agriculture
High-yield farming is a part of green agriculture. This idea of high-yield farming has produced a green revolution. The production of food has been made easier because of better seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation. Also high-yield farming decreases the risk of soil erosion. With the concept of high-yield farming, people use low-till farming with herbicides. This controls weeds, instead of using the practice of bare-earth plowing and hoeing. High-yield farming is the best example of biodiversity all over the world.
In high-yield farming more food is produced per acre of farmland. In any area where there is high-yield farming, there is no famine. The food that is produced provides more nutrients including iron, zinc, and vitamin A. Children are healthier, and are able to learn better and more quickly. The livestock and poultry are affected by high-yield farming. The farmers are able to produce more meat products, and their animal breeding is better for high-yield farming.
High-yield farming seems like a good idea which benefits the environment, by reducing soil erosion. It helps children in areas where high-yield farming is located. Children are more likely to be better learners and healthier too. This also could help farmers as well. High-yield farming should be put into practice, and we might be better for it.
Avery, D.T. (2007). How high-yield farming saves nature. Society, 44(6), 137-138.
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